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Get to know Beth Sliben in 10 Questions

We are so blessed to have Beth Sliben as a part of our family here at Emmanuel. Haven't had the pleasure of meeting Beth yet? Get to know her better in 10 questions!

  1. What is your favorite thing to do when you have time off?
    My favorite thing to do when I have time off is to see my children and grandchildren.  I also like to go out to listen to music and dance with good friends.

  2. What is the weirdest, most unorthodox, or most interesting job you've ever had?
    Honestly, my current job is the most interesting and fulfilling job I have ever had.  I work with wonderful people and have great clients.

  3.  If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you  want to meet... and what would you want to discuss?
    Kathryn Sullivan - I'd be interested in hearing what her experience was like being the first woman to walk in space!

  4. When you were 10, what did you see yourself being when you grew up?
    When I was 10, I thought I was going to be a RN like my mother.

  5. What book are you currently reading?
    The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena.

  6. What is one surprising or interesting fact about you that people may not know about?
    I am shy!

  7. If you could choose anyone to be a mentor, who would  it be, and what would you like to learn from them?
    Jane Fonda - how to be strong and stand up for what you believe in and to help make the world a better place to live.

  8. What is your most memorable or proudest moment working for Emmanuel?
    When I was able to work with a young widow and help her with her portfolio and just be there to listen when she needed someone to talk to.

  9. What is the most rewarding part of your job overall at Emmanuel?
    Working daily with clients to give them the best portfolio to protect them and their family.

  10. What is the most important career lesson you've learned  that you'd like to pass on to new employees who join the  Emmanuel team?
    The most important career lesson is to listen to your coworkers and to work as a team.
