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Get to Know Dylan Hallahan in 12 Questions

February 2021 - Dylan Hallahan is one of the newest members of our team, and we're so thankful to have him onboard!  Learn a few fun and interesting facts about Dylan, who is our Featured Employee this month.

  1. Where is your favorite place to visit on vacation, or your favorite thing to do when you have time off?
    Pretty much any NJ beach. If it is a more elaborate vacation, then my wife and I LOVE Costa Rica.
  2. What is the weirdest, most unorthodox, or most interesting job you've ever had?
    My parents train harness race horses and I was a groom for their stable. I helped take care of and train about 15-20 race horses.
  3. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you want to meet... and what would you want to discuss?
    Richard Branson. Just to talk life and business while hanging out on his island with a few cold drinks.
  4. What is something interesting that you've learned within the past week?
    A Water Bear is a microscopic deep-sea animal that is indestructible. They can even survive in outer space... crazy!
  5. When you were 10, what did you see yourself being when you grew up?
    I saw myself growing up to be a professional hockey player. I had big dreams at 10! LOL
  6. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?
    "Zoomified" starring Jeff Bridges as Dylan Hallahan
  7. What is the last book you read?
    Training Camp by Jon Gordon
  8. What is one surprising or interesting fact about you that people may not know about?
    I am a huge fan of music in general, especially anything 90's, but have never been to a live concert. Not a huge fan of crowds. 
  9. If you could choose anyone to be a mentor, who would it be, and what would you like to learn from them?
    Warren Buffett. I would literally listen to anything he would want to talk about. Everything he says seems to be a life lesson.
  10. What was it about Emmanuel Insurance that made you decide it was a company of which you wanted to be a part?
    Everyone at Emmanuel lives by the tag line, "We are family, and we will protect yours". It's a special group that operates on a unique level.
  11. What are you enjoying the most about being a part of the Emmanuel team?
    It's pretty simple... what I enjoy most is just the feeling of being part of the Emmanuel team. The future to come is very exciting.
  12. What personal characteristic do you believe is key in order to be successful in your role?
    Selflessness. Being able to put others first. The team, our clients, our relationships.
