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Homeowners Insurance

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Homeowners Insurance

Many homes are underinsured. This means there is not enough insurance coverage to protect you from the financial impact of losses that might occur and/or repairs that might be needed when fire or other disasters damage your home. The cost of replacement/repairs can obviously be quite extensive under these scenarios. A home is a big investment - make sure you are properly protected from unexpected with insurance coverage that is right for you.

Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance helps protect you from unanticipated financial impact resulting from damage or destruction of your home and personal belongings caused by fire, weather, or other covered occurrences. It may also cover theft of personal property and personal liability coverage, depending on the policy selected.

What might be covered by Homeowners Insurance?

Although this list is not exhaustive, it provides some common elements of Homeowners Insurance coverage and a quick overview of each.

Dwelling: This covers the structure of your home such as walls, roof, etc. if an unforeseen event causes damage.

Detached Structures: Other structures such as garages, sheds, etc. that are not attached to the home itself may also be covered depending on the policy selected.

Personal Property: Personal property such as furniture, clothing, computers, etc. may also be covered (whether in the house or off the premises).

Jewelry: There are generally options for limited coverage (usually $500-$2,000) if jewelry is stolen from your home. Special coverage may be needed to cover jewelry of more significant value.

Loss of Use: This coverage addresses situations where the insured needs to move out of the home while repairs for covered damages are underway. For example, fire damage and/or significant damage from a weather event which makes the home uninhabitable for the homeowners, resulting in the need to find shelter at a hotel while repairs are underway.

Personal Liability: This coverage may help with medical expenses of people who do not reside in your home who get injured while on your property. For example, if a visitor trips on a step and suffers a minor injury. This coverage may also help with legal expenses in the event of a lawsuit. It may also cover an accident caused by a household member (i.e., a child) that inadvertently damages something valuable.

Do you have questions about Homeowners Insurance?

Contact an insurance agent at Emmanuel Insurance today to answer any questions about Homeowners Insurance or for a free review and insurance quote for Homeowners Insurance. And don't forget, as an independent insurance agency, we represent several top rated insurance companies. We have the flexibility to help you find coverage at competitive premiums for business, home, auto, and more.

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